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Posts by category
- Category: Leidschrift
- Category: Nieuws
- Alp Yenen & Erik-Jan Zürcher receive first copies ‘A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey’
- 450th jubilee give away
- A New Invention: Franklin and the Netherlands
- American Journal of Archaeology praises Liquid Footprints for its innovative angles
- Association for Asian Studies 2025 Annual Conference
- Amsterdam University Press and Leiden University Press sign international distribution and marketing agreement
- What Constitutes Being Muslim in Indonesia
- Bert van Selm-lezing
- Boekpresentatie en panel ‘Nederlands kolonialisme van archief tot geschiedschrijving’
- Boekpresentatie ‘Het te korte heldenleven van Fiet van Gilse (1912-1945)’
- Book launch ‘Caribbean Cultural Heritage and the Nation’
- Book launch Media-Art-Politics
- De cultuurgeschiedenis van het onweer
- Debat Spui25: De continue constructie van een tijdperk. Een nieuwe zeventiende eeuw?
- Demons and Thunder
- Ebook launch The Eighty Years War
- Eerste exemplaar ‘Studeren in Leiden in tijden van revolutie’ aangeboden aan Annetje Ottow
- Feature on Turkey Book Talk
- A lecture and debate at RUSI, leading defence and security think tank
- International Women’s Day
- Lennart Bes receives the ICAS Book Prize 2023, Specialist Publication Accolade
- Lightning, Volcanism and Earthquakes!
- LUP booth at ESSHC!
- Leiden University Press embarks on the Path to Open!
- LUP summer road trip!
- Middle Eastern Library Launch
- Moving from X to Bluesky
- Nederlands-Indische literatuur herlezen
- NRC boekentip ‘Het te korte heldenleven van Fiet van Gilse (1912-1945)’
- Online boekensalon ‘Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949’
- Online boekpresentatie: Het belang van het Antilliaans erfgoed
- OTV programma interview Mieke van Baarsel
- Podcast feature ‘Power to Corrupt’
- Religious Reactions to Thunderstorms
- Season’s Greetings from LUP!
- ‘Sporen van de Slavernij in Leiden’ nu weer beschikbaar!
- Staging China: The Politics of Mass Spectacle has won the IBP 2021 Publisher’s Accolade
- #StepUP – Uni Press Week 2024
- Revealing the story behind the cover. Podcast feature!
- Thunderstorms in Art and Literature
- Booklaunch World History for International Studies
- Worldwide Shipping
- Category: Service
- Category: Uncategorized
- Radicalized Conservatism in Israel
- The Open Door to Hidden Paganism
- Beyond Orientalism
- Expeditions in Persia
- A Colonial Tragedy
- Automating Governance in China?
- Islamitisch basisonderwijs in Nederland
- Mozaïek van onze VVSL-historie
- Humanitarian Protection for Prisoners of War and Refugees in the Long Aftermath of the First World War
- Internationale Veiligheidsstudies
- Leidschrift nr. 39.3 – november 2024
- Singapore’s State-Led Capitalism
- Irrigating the Desert
- Slavery & the Dutch State
- Nobel Genius
- Parvin Etesami in the Literary and Religious Context of Twentieth-Century Iran
- Bodies beyond Binaries
- Sufi Non-Conformism
- Prophets, Poets and Scholars
- Multiple Liminalities of Lay Buddhism in Contemporary China
- Struisvogelgedrag in de humaniora
- Anatolian Livestock Trade in the Late Ottoman Empire
- Exploring Animal Energy in the Arid Zone (Paperback)
- Leidschrift nr. 2 – Juni 2024
- Far Right and Islamist Populism
- The Making of Buddhism in Modern Indonesia
- Exploring Animal Energy in the Arid Zone
- Het te korte heldenleven van Fiet van Gilse (1912-1945)
- Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies (Paperback)
- Leidschrift 39.1 – Februari 2024
- Wars Overseas
- China under Xi Jinping
- Climate Security and the Military
- Leidschrift 38.3 – November 2023
- The Civil Code Controversy in Meiji Japan
- The Political Mobilization of the Christian Community in Malaysia
- Geketend voor Hollands Glorie
- Autumntide of the Middle Ages (Paperback)
- Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War
- Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies
- Black Transnationalism and Japan
- Officiersvorming in klare taal
- Nederlands kolonialisme van archief tot geschiedschrijving
- Studeren in Leiden in tijden van revolutie
- Serving the chain?
- East Asia beyond the Archives
- A Pictographic Naxi Origin Myth from Southwest China
- Gestructureerde inlichtingenanalyse voor opsporing en ordehandhaving
- A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments
- Discourses of Disruption in Asia
- Caribbean Cultural Heritage and the Nation (Paperback)
- Officiersvorming in klare taal
- Sporen van de slavernij in Leiden
- Grondslagen van de fysica
- Caribbean Cultural Heritage and the Nation (Hardback)
- South Asia Unbound
- Monsoon Asia
- Ending Famine in India
- Towards a Data-Driven Military
- Asian Studies Parade
- Provocative Images in Contemporary Islam
- Animals in Dutch Travel Writing
- Lawmaking in Dutch Sri Lanka
- Ayatollah Khomeini’s Mystical Poetry and its Reception in Iran and the Diaspora
- Tourism and the Emergence of Nation-States in the Arab Eastern Mediterranean
- Lightning in the Age of Benjamin Franklin
- Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste
- The United States and South Asia from the Age of Empire to Decolonization
- The Lives of Cold War Afro-Asianism
- Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies 2nd revised edition
- World History for International Studies
- Irrationalities in Islam and Media in 19th-Century Iran
- Japan’s Practice of International Law
- India after World History
- Camering: Fernand Deligny on Cinema and the Image
- De postkoloniale spiegel
- Wali Pitu and Muslim Pilgrimage in Bali, Indonesia
- Dienstbaar aan de keten?
- Images of the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949/Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949/Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar
- Een regenjasje voor het aapje
- Babad Tanah Jawi, The Chronicle of Java
- Middle High German Legends in English Translation
- De postkoloniale spiegel
- Colonialism and Slavery
- De zeventiende eeuw
- Military Power and the Dutch Republic
- Geleerde zorgen
- The Heirs of Vijayanagara
- The Rise of the Ni‘matullāhī Order
- Being Muslim in Indonesia
- Antilliaans erfgoed. 1 en 2
- Antilliaans erfgoed. 1
- Antilliaans erfgoed. 2
- Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses
- Tlamatiliztli: la sabiduria del pueblo nahua
- Inescapable Entrapments?
- Rap 73
- Place: Towards a Geophilosophy of Photography
- Designating Place
- Why biodiversity loss is not a disaster
- Atlas of Material Life
- Creating Capitals
- The Company Fortress
- Ñuu Savi: Pasado, Presente, Futuro
- The Potters’ Perspectives
- The League Against Imperialism
- The Invasion of the South
- Ishikawa Sanshirō’s Geographical Imagination
- Being a Slave
- De la gloria al olvido
- Philippine Confluence
- Bureaucrats of Liberation
- Pearls of Meanings
- Autumntide of the Middle Ages
- Een sublieme nalatenschap
- Liquid Footprints
- Changes in the Cultural Landscape and their Impacts on Heritage Management
- Cape Conflict
- Van driestromenland tot delta?
- Monitoring Children’s Rights in the Netherlands
- Big Books in Times of Big Data
- Gum Arabic
- The Persian Whitman
- Scientific Integrity
- A Fire of Lilies
- The Eighty Years War
- Heaven’s Wrath
- The Colonization of Freed African Americans in Suriname
- Stijl, Taal en Tekst
- Staging China
- My Mother’s Mother’s Mother
- Rembrandt en de Universiteit Leiden
- The E-Primer
- Weneya’a – “Quien Habla con los Cerros”
- The Bastion of Liberty
- Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture
- Tiempo, Paisaje y Líneas de Vida en la Arqueología de Ñuu Savi
- The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal
- China and the Barbarians
- Tussen honger en zwaard
- Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen
- Spatial Patterns in Landscape Archaeology
- Realm between Empires
- Star Authors in the Age of Romanticism
- Principles for Progress
- Time, History and Ritual in a K’iche’ Community
- Troubled Waters
- Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500
- Akragas
- Masked Warriors
- The Travels of Pieter Albert Bik
- Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Reconstructing the Settled Landscape of the Cyclades
- Hugo de Groot in Leiden: een wandeling
- The Future of the Postcolonial Past
- Voyage of Discovery
- Tiempo, Cosmos Y Religión Del Pueblo Ayuuk (Mexico)
- Los tlamatque, guardianes del patrimonio
- The Lives of Paintings
- A Journal of Three Months’ Walk in Persia in 1884 by Captain John Compton Pyne
- Egypt beyond Representation
- World History – a Genealogy
- A Story of Conquest and Adventure
- Health-related Votive Tablets from Japan
- A Place of Placelessness
- Understanding Contemporary Islamic Crises in the Middle East
- Wild West Frisia
- Western Arabia in the Leiden Collections
- The Field of Musical Improvisation
- The Fall and Rise of Blasphemy Law
- For Study and Delight
- The Dutch Moment
- The Management of the Matobo Hills in Zimbabwe
- The Mesoamerican Codex Re-entangled
- Met lust en volharding
- Staging Asia
- Nederlandse titulatuur
- Leiden tussen tafellaken en servet
- Clothes Make the Man
- Terrorists on Trial
- Al die onbekende beroemdheden
- Rewriting Modernism
- Callsign Nassau
- Jihad and Islam in World War I
- The Powers That Be
- Legaliteit en legitimiteit
- Good, Gratifying and Renowned
- Islam, Politics and Change
- De succesvolle mislukking van Europa
- Wit and Wisdom in Classical Arabic Literature
- The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies
- Tiempo y Comunidad
- Paint Feet on a Snake (Simplified Character Edition)
- Paint Feet on a Snake (Full-form Character Edition)
- The Island of Skyros from Late Roman to Early Modern Times
- Irreverent Persia
- Shinkichi Tajiri
- Manuscripts of the Latin Classics 800-1200
- Stone Artefact
- Tracing Traces from Present to Past
- The Historiography of Landscape Research on Crete
- Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment
- In The Land of the Chiefs
- Chinees in tien verdiepingen 2
- Contesting Land and Custom in Ghana
- Sharia and National Law in Muslim Countries
- Legalising Land Rights
- Sharia Incorporated
- One Billion Rising
- Archaeological Prediction and Risk Management
- Technology for Justice
- A Timeless Vale
- Sowing the Seed?
- (Appendices to) Sowing the seed?
- The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt
- Pots, Farmers and Foragers
- Courtly Riddles
- Safina Revealed
- One Word – Yak Kaleme
- Embodiments of Evil: Gog and Magog
- The Necklace of the Pleiades
- Father of Persian Verse
- Agreement Restrictions in Persian
- Why Arabic? – Hoezo arabisch?
- The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
- A Key to the Treasure of the Hakim
- Bending Opinion
- Cleveringa’s koffer
- The Early and Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Record of Greece
- Van orakelbot tot weblog (2e druk)
- Ruby in the Dust
- Slijpsteentjes voor de geest
- The Holy Drama
- The Story of Barzu
- Delicate Debates on Islam
- Violets between Cherry Blossoms
- Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle
- Energy Survival Guide
- Kakiemon Porcelain
- Fair Land Governance
- Newton and the Netherlands
- Van orakelbot tot weblog, deel 2 (tweede druk)
- The Secret Lives of Art Works
- Denken in kunst
- Hello Kitty & Gothic Lolita’s
- Chinees in tien verdiepingen (herziene editie)
- Déjà Vu
- Rethinking Ostia
- Hermeneutics and the Humanities / Hermeneutik und die Geisteswissenschaften
- Turning Over a New Leaf
- Local Portraiture
- The Great ‘Umar Khayyam
- De ambtenaar in het openbaar bestuur
- The Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Middle Danube Region
- Woordenboek Nederlands-Turks
- Stemmen op berkenbast
- The Exposition of Artistic Research
- Magna Commoditas – Leiden University’s ‘Great Asset’
- The Conflict of the Faculties
- Strijd!
- Conflict and Development in Iranian Film
- Applying Sharia in the West
- ‘Thank you M. Monnet’
- Memory Contested, Locality Transformed
- Laminar Technology and the Onset of the Upper Paleolithic in the Altai, Siberia
- A Crusader, Ottoman, and Early Modern Aegean Archaeology
- The Animated Image
- Il Marmo Spirante
- Ghosts and Spirits from the Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art
- Writing in Context
- Verbal and Visual Rhetoric in a Media World
- Digging Holes Abroad
- Klankwerelden
- A Brief History of Islam in Europe
- The Reception of Hafiz
- Physics as a Calling, Science for Society
- Accent Building
- Processing Compound Verbs in Persian
- Nog meer slijpsteentjes voor de geest
- Vitality and Dynamism
- Nostalgia for the Present
- Meaning versus Grammar
- Reclaiming the Faravahar
- Revolutie of zinsbegoocheling?
- Contemporary Rhetorical Citizenship
- Persian in Use
- Regulating Political Parties
- Leiden viert feest!
- A Gentle Occupation
- Tussen fout en fraude
- Edele wijze lieve bijzondere
- Art, Agency and Living Presence
- Mirrors of Entrapment and Emancipation
- Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance
- Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity
- In Praise of Ambiguity
- Food Production and Food Procurement in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (2000-500 BC)
- Archaeology and the Application of Artificial Intelligence
- On Colonial Grounds
- The Articulation of a ‘New Neolithic’
- Archaeological Investigations on St. Martin (Lesser Antilles)
- Make it and Brake it: The Cycle of Pottery
- Times Fade Away
- Places of Art, Traces of Fire
- Traces on Tropical Tools
- After Antiquity
- Wrap the Dead
- Case Studies in Archaeological Predictive Modelling