Local Portraiture

Through the Lens of the 19th-Century Iranian Photographers

Author: Carmen Pérez González

9789087281564 GONZALEZ

About this book

Photography is clearly not a mirror of daily life: that images are constructions is especially obvious in19th-century studio portrait photography. This book explores how indigenous Iranian photographers constructed their own realities in contrast to how foreign photographers constructed Iranians’ realities.

Through an in-depth comparative visual analysis of 19th-century Iranian portrait photography and Persian painting, the author arrives at the insight that aesthetic preferences correlate with socio-cultural habits and practices in writing, reading and looking. Subsequently, she advocates for a place in a global history of photography for those unknown, local photo histories (such as the Iranian one) and for the indigenous photographers who produced them.


Carmen Perez Gonzalez studied astrophysics, photography and art history and works at the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne, Germany.


Format: Paperback

Pages: 330

Illustrated: Yes

ISBN Print: 9789087281564

ISBN ePUB: 9789400600782

ISBN ePDF: 9789400600775

Published: 24 November 2012

Language: English

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