Tiempo y Comunidad

Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente

09 Omslag Tiempo y Comunidad

About this book

The existence of communities and peoples develops over time, in a diachronic line of heritage and cultural memory as well as in a synchronous coexistence with the cosmos, marked by a cyclically returning rituals. Under the pressure of “clock time” (“time is money”) these organic “other times” of identity are eroding rapidly. In these respects, modernity has come to be characterised by a deep, dramatic and often violent conflict between traditional values of societies that have their own cultures and the processes of colonisation, urbanisation and and industrialisation, which usually presented as “progress”.

This volume brings together complementary reflections of archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, sociologists and social activists on this issue. Central to their work is the perception and representation of time, its different symbolic aspects and its social impact. Espousing a comparatist methodology, the case studies focus on Mexico and Guatemala and on southern Italy.

Maarten Jansen is Professor of Mesamerican archaeology and history at Leiden University. His focus in on the heritage of indigenous peoples.

Valentina Raffa is Researcher of Sociology at the University of Messina, focusing on social exclusion, postcolonial approaches to development and sociology of health.


Format: Paperback

Pages: 312

Illustrated: Yes

ISBN Print: 9789087282479

ISBN ePDF: 9789400602496

Published: 1 September 2015

Language: Spanish



Price 51.00

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