Our team are on the road this summer to bring you our latest publications, insights and offers.
Drop by our booths to pick up a copy of our titles and receive special conference discounts!
De Historicidagen 22, 23 and 24 August 2024 Maastricht

Undisciplined History is the theme of this years biennial meeting that invites a broad network of all those who are working with the subject of history. With focus on the issue of multiple crises in today’s society, which demonstrably require that we change our normal course of events and therefore also rethink how we write history. How do we research, write and teach the past?
Hosted by KNHG Royal Netherlands Historical Society and Maastricht University
ICAS 13 28 July to 1 August 2024 Surabaya, Indonesia

With this 13th edition the Convention of Asian Scholars presents the captivating theme ‘Crossways of Knowledge’.
Creating a unique platform to decimate research, to feature the latest in Asian Scholarly publication. In collaboration with our colleagues from Leiden University Libraries we are here to put a spotlight on our Asian studies titles.
EuroSEAS 23-25 July Amsterdam

We are excited to be part of this engaging program, which opens up conversations and research surrounding South East Asian Studies. Hosted by the KITLV, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde and located at the University of Amsterdam.