Online boekpresentatie: Het belang van het Antilliaans erfgoed
Gert Oostindie vertelt over het boek Antilliaans erfgoed en het project ‘Traveling Caribbean Heritage’. Georganiseerd door de Vereniging Antilliaans Netwerk en het KITLV. In de onlangs verschenen bundels Antilliaans erfgoed, geredigeerd door Gert Oostindie en Alex van Stipriaan, onderzoekt een reeks van Antilliaanse en Nederlandse auteurs de ontwikkeling en het belang van het culturele erfgoed […]
A lecture and debate at RUSI, leading defence and security think tank
Lt Col Mirjam Grandia Mantas will speak about her recently published book followed by questions and discussion. The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), leading defence and security think tank, organizes a series of monthly lectures and panels as part of a new Military History Programme. Next Thursday October the 14th Lt Col Mirjam Grandia Mantas […]
Staging China: The Politics of Mass Spectacle has won the IBP 2021 Publisher’s Accolade
Out of nearly 1000 titles Staging China: The Politics of Mass Spectacle by Florian Schneider has won the Publisher’s Accolade in the Social Sciences for Outstanding Production Value at the 2021 ICAS Book Prize. The prizes (one of the most prestigious book awards in the field of Asian Studies) were recently awarded in Kyoto, Japan […]
American Journal of Archaeology praises Liquid Footprints for its innovative angles
A book review by Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow of Liquid Footprints: Water, Urbanism, and Sustainability in Roman Ostia by Mark A. Locicero in American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 125, No. 4 (October 2021): A methodological bridge between the rich archaeological evidence from Roman Ostia and the field of contemporary urban resource management Locicero’s study aims to […]