Meaning versus Grammar

An Inquiry into the Computation of Meaning and the Incompleteness of Grammar

Author: Crit Cremers|Maarten Hijzelendoorn|Hilke Reckman

9789087282134 CREMERS

About this book

Meaning versus Grammar investigates the complicated relationship between grammar, computation, and meaning in natural languages. It details conditions under which meaning-driven processing of natural language is feasible, discusses an operational and accessible implementation of the grammatical cycle for Dutch, and offers analyses of a number of further conjectures about constituency and entailment in natural language.

Crit Cremers is an associate professor in formal semantics and computational linguistics at Leiden University.

Maarten Hijzelendoorn is a senior software engineer at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University.

Hilke Reckman is a senior researcher in natural language processing.


Format: Paperback

Pages: 353

Illustrated: Yes

ISBN Print: 9789087282127

ISBN ePUB: 9789400601840

ISBN ePDF: 9789400601833

Published: 25 September 2014

Language: English



Price 68.00


Prof. Ruth Kempson, King’s College London
“This book is unique in my experience in giving this amount of detail to setting out the Dutch case with respect to separately a parser and generator, and the motivation for this as a property of the framework itself is wholly novel. But what makes this book such a winner is its style: I know of no other book at this level of formal explicitness that is such a joy to read.”
Prof. Ruth Kempson, King’s College London
“This book is unique in my experience in giving this amount of detail to setting out the Dutch case with respect to separately a parser and generator, and the motivation for this as a property of the framework itself is wholly novel. But what makes this book such a winner is its style: I know of no other book at this level of formal explicitness that is such a joy to read.”

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